Computer Science Expertise for the Defense

(October 8-9, 2009) Interhack showcases its computer expert services in Chicago, Illinois at the Defense Research Institute Annual Meeting. Interhack Marketing Manager Abby Park provides corporate compliance attorneys, in-house counsel, and litigators with the resources they need to best use computer experts in their practice.

September 24, 2009—Interhack Corporation continues to showcase its computer expert services at national legal associations in 2009.  On October 8-9 the company returns to the Defense Research Institute (DRI), exhibiting at the Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois. Attorneys understand that successful defense requires mastery of the facts. When the facts are electronic, they can rely on Interhack computer experts to deliver unassailable opinion. 

Interhack Founder and computer expert C. Matthew Curtin will be on hand at the DRI Annual Meeting.  In the spring of 2009, Curtin presented Discovery Beyond Documents at the DRI Medical Liability and Health Care Law seminar in Buena Vista, Florida. Defense attorneys, corporate and in-house counsel, and others heard Curtin's account as a computer science expert in a wrongful death case that hinged on interpretation of electronic information. The audience learned how data in electronic medical records differ from the electronic documents that we're most used to and what that means for discovery. They also learned how and when to use an expert in such cases and how to be prepared for discovery… beyond documents.

Curtin has been presenting Interhack's latest research Using Science to Combat Data Loss: Analyzing Breaches by Type and Industry to business leaders and attorneys from around the country.  Most recently, he spoke at the Information Security Committee of the ABA Law and Technology Section, showing how industries lose data differently. Attorneys interested in helping corporate clients prepare for, prevent, and respond to data breaches will visit Interhack at booth 501 at the DRI Annual Meeting exhibition.

Interhack provides expert analysis and education to attorneys dealing with electronic information in legal proceedings.  The company will provide some of those resources at the DRI Annual Meeting, including

Courts and attorneys around the country rely on the opinion of Interhack computer experts when the facts of a case are electronic. Attorneys attending the DRI Annual Meeting this year have the opportunity to discover their secret weapon—unassailable opinion delivered artfully by Interhack.

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Interhack delivers presentations for CLE and CJE credit. If you would like to schedule an Interhack presentation in your association or law firm, please contact us for rates and availability.

About Interhack

Interhack aids executives and attorneys facing challenges and opportunities involving the use of information.  We perform security and privacy assessments, as well as services to work with data in legal proceedings.  Our work is used to find the right questions to ask and the best answers science can provide.  Based in Columbus, Ohio, Interhack supports clients all over North America.  Additional information about Interhack is available at