Why We're Different

Why Interhack is different from other consulting firms.

Interhack is focused on one thing: the mission. Our sales process is about ensuring that your need is well matched with our capability. Our operations process is about ensuring that we clearly define the mission, its objectives, and the context in which we operate. Our training process brings our people to peak performance and keeps them there. Our hiring process is about finding people who are dedicated to the same ideals as the firm and will make the commitment to become Interhackers and to operate as part of a high-performance team.

The most visible components of our work include the small tactical teams we task, the reports that we write and the appearances that we make in courtrooms, conference rooms, and classrooms. Each of these is the product of definition, execution, analysis, and redefinition that has taken place continually since the formation of Interhack Corporation in 2000.

Success in our field does not happen by default. Success is a choice, backed by the will to see the mission through to completion no matter what stands in the way. Each of us makes that choice every day. That is the assurance our clients feel.

One of our clients was facing an audit that was expected to turn into a headline-making national news. During the course of our engagement, management included the following unsolicited feedback in the context of ongoing communication.

On a side note, you and your staff are very professional and have treated our team with courtesy and respect; having you work on this project has given local morale a boost.

The morale boost was apparently appropriate. When the would-be plaintiff saw our findings and response to their auditor, the entire matter disappeared. We cannot promise that every engagement will go the same way but we do undertake the effort with the care, expertise, and experience needed to find or make a path to success of the mission.