News from 2001
- December 3-5, 2001
- Zero-Knowledge Systems' second annual Privacy By Design conference includes Interhack founder Matt Curtin, discussing the relationship between privacy and security.
- November 21, 2001
- The cost of attacks by Malicious Software reportedly tops $11 Billion (US) this year. Interhack asserts that today's strategies to battle the problem are ineffective and must be supplanted with better network and system design.
- October 30-31, 2001
- Interhack will be exhibiting at ITEC held at the Columbus Convention Center. Matt Curtin will be on the InfraGard security panel both days.
- October 20, 2001
- Completion of Matt Curtin's new book, Developing Trust: Online Privacy and Security. This book helps developers, operators, and managers of online applications understand and build systems worthy of the trust that users tend to place in such systems.
- October 11, 2001
- October 2001's Central Ohio chapter of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association will feature Interhack founder Matt Curtin, speaking on the topic "Auditing Computers? Are You Serious?"
- September 19, 2001
- WBNS-10TV in Columbus, Ohio airs its piece on terrorism in the US, including remarks by Interhack Founder Matt Curtin.
- July 21, 2001
- Version 2.2.0 of our privacy and security aware mailing list manager has been released. This release includes a new feature: killing free mailer ads and addresses an important weakness in PGP signature generation.
- July 17, 2001
- Shibboleth version 2.1.2 is now available for download. This is a bugfix release.
- July 5, 2001
- WBNS-10TV in Columbus Ohio airs its piece on Identity Theft, including an interview with Interhack Founder Matt Curtin.
- June 26, 2001
- Version 2.1.0 of our privacy and security aware mailing list manager has been released.
- June 22, 2001
- Interhack opens its corporate site at
- June 7, 2001
- Interhack announces its sponsorship of Privacy2001, the conference for bridging the gaps among the needs of business, government, consumers, and privacy advocates. Subtitled "Information, Security & Ethics in the New Century", the conference will be held at the Renaissance Hotel in Cleveland, Ohio, on October 2-4, 2001.
- May 9, 2001
- Matt Curtin speaks at the 10th Ohio Employment Law Conference on the limited role that technology can play in an effective fight against attackers.
- April 6, 2001
- Interhack Services, Inc. formed, TraiCom Services acquisition completed.
- January 12, 2001
- Availability of "When are we going to get it right?", a keynote talk by Matt Curtin, given on November 1, 2000 at the InterLab 2000 Conference.
Interhack announces its sponsorship of Privacy2001, the conference for bridging the gaps among the needs of business, government, consumers, and privacy advocates. Subtitled "Information, Security & Ethics in the New Century", the conference will be held at the Renaissance Hotel in Cleveland, Ohio, on October 2-4, 2001.
Version 2.1.0 of Shibboleth, Interhack's security and privacy aware mailing list manager, has been released. This is a minor release; one feature has been added, several minor bugs have been fixed, and documentation has been updated.
WBNS-10TV in Columbus Ohio airs its piece on Identity Theft, including an interview with Interhack Founder Matt Curtin.
Shibboleth version 2.1.2 is now available for download. This is a bugfix release.
Version 2.2.0 of our privacy and security aware mailing list manager has been released. This release includes a new feature: killing free mailer ads and addresses an important weakness in PGP signature generation.
WBNS-10TV in Columbus, Ohio airs its piece on terrorism in the US, including remarks by Interhack Founder Matt Curtin.
October 2001's Central Ohio chapter of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association will feature Interhack founder Matt Curtin, speaking on the topic "Auditing Computers? Are You Serious?"

Completion of Matt Curtin's new book, Developing Trust: Online Privacy and Security. This book helps developers, operators, and managers of online applications understand and build systems worthy of the trust that users tend to place in such systems.
The cost of attacks by Malicious Software reportedly tops $11 Billion (US) this year. Interhack asserts that today's strategies to battle the problem are ineffective and must be supplanted with better network and system design.
Zero-Knowledge Systems' second annual Privacy By Design conference includes Interhack founder Matt Curtin, discussing the relationship between privacy and security.