The State of Texas recently reported that it sees over 100 cyberattacks each minute. Interhack founder C. Matthew Curtin joins WTVN radio on January 9, 2020 to discuss.
News from 2020
Interhack founder C. Matthew Curtin presents cyber issues and emerging threats at the January 2020 meeting of the Central Ohio chapter of ASIS.

Interhack founder C. Matthew Curtin presents "Coding for Community" at the CBusStudent Hack event organized by Franklin University.
Is using a public charging port a good idea? What's the best way to protect yourself and your phone from unwanted surprises?
Interhack founder C. Matthew Curtin joins Mike Kallmeyer to discuss election security on Spectrum News.
As people around the world have taken to reducing physical contact to counter the spread of the novel coronavirus, the use of Internet-based videoconference systems has surged. Now people face a surprising attack commonly known as "Zoombombing."
Interhack founder C. Matthew Curtin joins 10TV's Brittany Bailey for a discussion of videoconference security in light of recent and unrelenting reports of "Zoombombing."
ABC 6 On Your Side's Consumer Investigator Jesse Pagan looks into privacy implications of COVID-19 tracking enabled by mobile phone.