Interhack Exhibits at Ohio State Bar Association Annual Convention

(May 13-15, 2009) Interhack returns to the Ohio State Bar Association's Annual Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, where the company will showcase its computer expert services. Interhack Marketing Manager Abby Park provides Ohio attorneys with the resources they need to best use computer experts in their practice.

Interhack returns to the Ohio State Bar Association's Annual Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, on May 13-15, 2009. The company showcases its computer expert services. Attorneys understand that successful argumentation requires mastery of the facts. At Interhack's exhibit booth, they get to know how to use computer experts with litigation experience when the facts are electronic.

Resources provided include analysis of the use of electronic medical records in litigation, how to drill legal and information technology departments to prepare for litigation and other information security incidents, and continuing legal education sessions that demonstrate the use of electronic information in a variety of litigation settings, from criminal defense to class action civil litigation.

All analysis is performed by Interhack computer experts, whose opinion courts around the country rely upon to render sound decisions in cases where electronic information is material.

Schedule An Interhack Program in Your Organization

Interhack delivers presentations for CLE and CJE credit. If you would like to schedule this or another Interhack presentation in your association or law firm, please contact us for rates and availability.

About Interhack

Interhack aids executives and attorneys facing challenges and opportunities involving the use of information.  We perform security and privacy assessments, as well as services to work with data in legal proceedings.  Our work is used to find the right questions to ask and the best answers science can provide.  Based in Columbus, Ohio, Interhack supports clients all over North America.  Additional information about Interhack is available at