Electronic Evidence in Criminal Defense

"Electronic Evidence in Criminal Defense" is the topic of Matt Curtin's presentation for the Greater Dayton IT Alliance's D-RISC '06 conference.


May 18, 2006
ASTAR (Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resources) Conference, Columbus
May 17, 2006
INFOSEC Forum VIII, Central Ohio ISSA
April 25, 2006
itWORKS.OHIO Information Technology Educators Conference
April 21, 2006
Colorado Bar Association
March 27, 2006
Greater Dayton IT Alliance Legal IT Peer Group
March 14, 2006
Greater Dayton IT Alliance D-RISC '06

As crime goes high-tech, the legal system must follow. Both law enforcement and criminal defense attorneys must have the tools and experts available to ensure proper investigation, prosecution, and defense.

In a case that has important lessons for attorneys working with electronic evidence and parents of teenagers with computers, Interhack's Matt Curtin served as a forensic computer scientist for the defense of a high school senior hit with a variety of felony and misdemeanor charges that could well have sent the young man to prison instead of the university he was expecting to attend.

This presentation discusses the investigation, charges, prosecution, and defense. Critical examination will be made surrounding analysis by investigators and Curtin's team. Broader questions will be raised for possible discussion.

Slides for the presentation are available online: Electronic Evidence in Criminal Defense.

About Interhack

Interhack is a pioneering professional services firm, active in security and privacy research, with a forensic computing practice that has been involved in cutting-edge litigation on electronic privacy matters.