Ensuring Data Security and Privacy in Teradata EDWs

Matt Curtin will discuss attacks against enterprise data warehouses and how cryptography can help in a Web Seminar hosted by Teradata.

On August 3, 2006, Teradata will host a Web seminar on the protection of information in Teradata EDWs. Interhack founder Matt Curtin will speak on the topics of attacks against centralized data sources and the use of cryptography as a protection mechanism.

Registration for the event is handled online by Teradata.

In this web seminar, Curtin and his fellow experts will show you how to:

  • Prevent hackers from penetrating your security framework
  • Preempt typical hacker attacks on enterprise data security
  • Anticipate the implications of broad Active Data Warehouse use on security requirements
  • Implement Protegrity Enterprise Data Security in your Teradata Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)

Ensuring Data Security and Privacy in Teradata EDWs will illustrate how industry leaders are currently implementing centralized data security policies, including the encryption and auditing of sensitive data with Protegrity solutions to complement the scalability, high performance, and parallel functionality of their Teradata EDWs. Here you'll discover how securing a centralized Teradata EDW is more effective, simpler and far less expensive than securing multiple data marts or multiple applications, thereby reducing the risk from insecure data of customer dissatisfaction, legal penalties and compliance issues.

The increasing amounts of data going into Teradata warehouses are sharpening an already compelling interest in protecting the security and confidentiality of this sensitive data. At the same time, a growing body of legislative and industry standards is aimed at increasing management accountability and data privacy—including SOX, HIPAA, GLBA, U.S. state laws, and Payment Card Industry standards. This web seminar is an excellent way to keep pace with these developments.

About Interhack

Interhack is a pioneering professional services firm, active in security and privacy research, with a forensic computing practice that has been involved in cutting-edge litigation on electronic privacy matters.