Computing in Adjudication

Matt Curtin will present Computing in Adjudication for the Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource (ASTAR) program.

Interhack founder Matt Curtin will present at a seminar for coordinated by the Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource (ASTAR) Program in cooperation with The Ohio State University, where Curtin also holds an academic appointment.

Taking place on June 29, 2007, Curtin will deliver a lectures to attendees, judges from eleven states throughout the U.S. Topics will include understanding electronic information, discussion of how computing and electronic information technology work, and application of analysis in adjudication.

The program is closed, but Bar associations interested in using this program for CLE may contact Interhack for rates and availability.

About Interhack

Interhack is a pioneering professional services firm, active in security and privacy research, with a forensic computing practice that has been involved in cutting-edge litigation on electronic privacy matters.