Interhack Promotes Scientist Working on Big Data in Litigation

Interhack is pleased to announce that Lee Ayres has been promoted from Senior Analyst to Scientist. Much of Lee's recent work is analysis of complex data sets—often called "big data"—to answer questions in legal proceedings.

Chicago, IL—Interhack is pleased to announce that Lee Ayres has been promoted from Senior Analyst to Scientist. Much of Lee's recent work is used by counsel in several class action lawsuits where answers to underlying questions rests in complex data sets. Often called "big data," records range from billing to transactional data. In the absence of any existing software to analyze these data sets, Lee routinely writes custom software to provide accurate and complete answers to the questions at hand. 

Lee joined Interhack in January 2007. Since then, he has coauthored peer-reviewed research in data breaches, deepened expertise in complex data analysis, and built internal technical capability, increasing the firm's profitability. 

An Interhack Scientist may formulate questions and define methods for answering them. The designation of this rank supports our ability to provide defensible results, findings, observations, and opinion in legal proceedings.  This approach is consistent across all of Interhack's services, whether electronic discovery, forensic computing, information assurance, or expert opinion. 

About Interhack

Interhack aids executives and attorneys facing challenges and opportunities involving the use of information. We perform security assessments, provide incident response programs and services to work with data in legal proceedings. Our work is used to find the right questions to ask and the best answers science can provide. Based in Columbus, Ohio, Interhack supports clients nationwide. Additional information about Interhack is available at