Interhack Presents Defensible Forensic Collection for International Legal Technology Association

(September 12, 2011) Litigation technology support specialists from around Ohio gather at the International Legal Technology Association state-wide regional meeting in Columbus, Ohio. Computer science expert Matthew Curtin is invited to speak on issues surrounding preservation of electronic stored information for use in adjudication.

Columbus, OH—Litigation technology support specialists from around Ohio gather at the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) state-wide regional meeting in Columbus, Ohio on September 12, 2011. Computer science expert Matthew Curtin is invited to speak on issues surrounding preservation and handling of electronic stored information for use in adjudication. 

Litigation technology support specialists encounter electronic evidence daily. Curtin's session helped attendees understand the implications of various methods of handling the data.

Cutin provided two articles as source material for the discussion. Discovery Beyond Documents tells the story of a wrongful death suit he worked on and the discovery process in that case. The second, Electronic Discovery of Mobile Devices gives some background about the ability to assess data in electronic form and then jumps into a discussion of what kind of information we can extract from devices and the data that they produce. (A copy of this publication can be obtained by contacting Interhack.)

C. Matthew Curtin is the founder of the computer expert firm Interhack. His practice helps attorneys and executives understand and make use of computer technology and relevant data. He works extensively in litigation and IT crisis management throughout the country, often called as an expert witness in criminal, civil, and administrative matters. He is the author of two books and a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Ohio State University.

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About Interhack

Interhack aids executives and attorneys facing challenges and opportunities involving the use of information.  We perform security and privacy assessments, as well as services to work with data in legal proceedings.  Our work is used to find the right questions to ask and the best answers science can provide.  Based in Columbus, Ohio, Interhack supports clients all over North America.  Additional information about Interhack is available at