Computer Scientist Prepares Law Students for Best Use of Experts

(March 28, 2011) Interhack scientist Matthew Curtin appears as an expert in federal and state courts. He visits Case Western Reserve University School of Law to share his experience regarding the best use of expert witnesses in adjudication.

Columbus, OH—Computer science expert Matthew Curtin visits Case Western Reserve University School of Law in Cleveland, Ohio on March 28, 2011 to prepare law students to make the best use of expert witnesses in adjudication. Attorneys understand that successful argumentation requires mastery of the facts. When the facts are electronic, they must rely on the opinion of computer experts. 

There are a lot of options for handling electronic stored information (ESI) in litigation these days. There are endless software platforms, tools, certifications, electronic discovery vendors, and practitioners of forensic computing. The last thing that attorneys need to hear is that “the system doesn’t do” what they need. An expert can help counsel to avoid that position.

Mr. Curtin has been appearing as an expert witness in federal and state courts for over a decade. His opinions, backed by the technical analysis of his teams, have impacted results in litigation from class action suits regarding online privacy to criminal defense cases where electronic stored information is in question. With this history of application of computer science, Mr. Curtin demonstrates to Case Western Reserve law students the power of unassailable opinion.

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About Interhack

Interhack aids executives and attorneys facing challenges and opportunities involving the use of information.  We perform security and privacy assessments, as well as services to work with data in legal proceedings.  Our work is used to find the right questions to ask and the best answers science can provide.  Based in Columbus, Ohio, Interhack supports clients all over North America.  Additional information about Interhack is available at