Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Superstars Conference

Interhack founder C. Matthew Curtin, CISSP will present his recent work in the interpretation and presentation of electronic evidence in criminal hearings and trials at the Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Superstars Conference on October 23, 2015.

The presentation will cover proper acquisition of electronic evidence to avoid side-effects and spoliation of evidence, reconciliation of filesystem timestamps, and interpretation of forensic artifacts identified by forensic data examiners. Showing how attorneys can—intentionally or not—misinterpret such artifacts and argue to the Court or a jury not only the best interpretation for their client but one that actually goes beyond the scientific evidence. Curtin concludes the presentation with a discussion of how to approach electronic evidence and making the best use of scientific experts.

About Interhack

Interhack is a cybersecurity firm founded in 2000. With engagements throughout North America the firm addresses the acquisition, interpretation, and presentation of electronic evidence in federal and state courts. Interhack is on the web at web.interhack.com.