Electronic Evidence in Criminal Defense

Matt Curtin and Chris Shiflet will present Electronic Evidence in Criminal Defense to the Columbus Bar Association in Columbus, Ohio.

Interhack founder Matt Curtin and Specialist Chris Shiflet present Electronic Evidence in Criminal Defense to the Columbus Bar Association on November 20, 2008. See the CBA Calendar of Events to register for this session.


As crime goes high-tech, criminal investigation, prosecution, and defense must follow. In 2005, a high school senior was charged with a variety of crimes ranging from a second-degree felony to a first-degree misdemeanor; conviction could have radically changed the honor student's life, sending him to prison instead of the university. Fundamental to the case was what was on his computer and how it got there.

Matt Curtin served as a forensic computer scientist for the defense, making a critical examination of the data in question and of the investigator's analysis and conclusions. Because the case was handled as a juvenile proceeding, identifying details have been withheld but all other details are quite real.

After Curtin's analysis, a deal was reached with prosecutors that resulted in all charges being dropped, allowing the young man to proceed with his education.

This presentation is designed specifically for attorneys with little or no experience with computers. Important technology terms and concepts will be explained and applied. Relevant case law will also be considered, showing how courts have interpreted the application of technology. Although this presentation's legal context is criminal, the discussion of information technology will also apply in principle to civil matters.

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Interhack delivers presentations for CLE and CJE credit. If you would like to schedule this or another Interhack presentation in your association or law firm, please contact us for rates and availability.

About Interhack

Based in Columbus, Ohio, Interhack Corporation is a professional services firm with clients all over North America. Founded in 1997 by a team of information security researchers, Interhack accepted the mission to make global computing and communications infrastructures worthy of trust. Interhack's two practice areas, Information Assurance and Forensic Computing, support that mission.

Established in 2000, Interhack Forensic Computing helps in-house counsel, incident response teams, law enforcement agencies, and law firms establish facts that can be used in litigation or criminal prosecution.

Interhack is a supporting member of The Usenix Association. Additional information about Interhack is available at web.interhack.com.