Supreme Court of the State of Ohio to Hear Security is Economics

Interhack's Matt Curtin will present security as an economic matter at the first Security Work Group Meeting at the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio.

Interhack founder Matt Curtin will present a high-level introduction to information security, entitled “Security is Economics!” for the first meeting of the Security Work Group of the Infrastructure & Interoperability Subcommittee of the Supreme Court of Ohio Advisory Committee on Technology and the Courts.

The meeting will be held on July 20, 2004, at the Ohio Judicial Center.


Information security is suddenly on everyone's radar. Even in organizations where security has not been a large concern historically, regulation is now forcing companies to address information security in ways that they never thought they would.

The most quickly-increasing crime in the United States is identity theft, which is an information security problem: people getting ahold of others' information enables them to engage in financial transactions as victims, leaving them with the bill for the attackers' exploits. On the other hand, providing confidentiality to public records is a waste of precious resources. Understanding where the assets are and what should and should not happen is critical.

Vendors are willing to sell Stuff and people chase after training that will enable them to defend their systems. Without understanding that security is an economic problem, however, organizations will continue to fail to address security strategically, and will consequently doom the efforts of their staff and vendors to failure.

Organizational leaders must define what information security means to them and to their organizations if they want efforts to assure their information to be effective.

For More Information

The meeting is open to the public; for more information, please contact the Technology Policy and Planning Office at 614-387-9434.

About Interhack

Interhack Corporation is a pioneering provider of information assurance and forensic computing services. Interhack's work has been cited in such publications as The Stanford Law Review, various recommendations of the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) in the U.S. Department of Commerce, and formal computer science literature. Interhack's forensic computing expertise led to the definition of how the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA) applies to Web technology by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Blumofe v. Pharmatrak. Interhack can be found on the Web at