www.ohiohipaa.org Comes Online

www.ohiohipaa.org comes online with support from Interhack.

(July 18, 2003) Health care organizations in Ohio now have an important resource at their disposal. Assistance in HIPAA Compliance is now available through the web site www.ohiohipaa.org.

As the official site for O.H.I.O. for EDI, www.ohiohipaa.org documents the committee activity and contains valuable tools and resources for compliance with all aspects of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

HIPAA covered entities are encouraged to visit the site and to participate in O.H.I.O. for EDI's working groups, a unique resource of domain experts helping one another in bringing their organizations into compliance with the HIPAA rules.

Powered by backend technology and operational support from Interhack, www.ohiohipaa.org contains regularly-updated information on O.H.I.O. for EDI activity, and will soon host online discussion fora, further fostering collaboration among partners.

"O.H.I.O. for EDI is an important resource for HIPAA's covered entities in Ohio. We're happy to provide our technology and support in the operation of www.ohiohipaa.org," commented Matt Curtin, Interhack's Founder and CEO. He continued, "HIPAA compliance won't happen effectively in a vacuum; we hope that others will take advantage of this opportunity to support O.H.I.O. for EDI in helping to bring all covered entities into compliance with these important rules."

About O.H.I.O. for EDI

O.H.I.O. for EDI is a statewide volunteer collaborative effort of public and private organizations providing assistance to the Ohio health care industry in HIPAA implementation. Recently organized, O.H.I.O. for EDI consists of state and federal agencies, professional associations, health plans and other private organizations.

Available online at www.ohiohipaa.org, O.H.I.O. for EDI is a regional affiliate of the Strategic National Implementation Process.

About Interhack

Interhack is a provider of information assurance, forensic computing, and outsourced information technology to a wide variety of industries, including health care. Based in Columbus, Ohio, and with clients all over North America, Interhack has been the home of trustworthy computing since 1997. Interhack is available online at web.interhack.com.